前因後果程序排列咭 瀏覽完整圖片


從48張(可按能力分配數量)塑膠圖咭中, 選出3張具前因後果的圖咭, 按其先後次序排列, 可促進對事物的理解、分析、判斷和邏輯的能力。


Resulta cause and effect array cards 

  • The object of this game is to find three cards that are sequentially linked in the following order - origin; intermediate product; end product - such as sheep, wool, jumper. 
  • This game is designed to promote logical thinking, and is excellent not only as a game for an individual but also for group sessions, encouraging developmental conversation. 
  • Enhance visual perception, analysis, insight, logical thinking and language abilities. 
  • 16 topics are covered. The 48 cards are printed on 2.5 mm plastic, and come packed in a partitioned and lidded wooden box. 
  • Manual included.
  • Card size: 8 x 8 cm. Box dimensions: 33 x 12 x 5 cm.