磁鐵迷宮(山峰) 瀏覽完整圖片


手握磁鐵筆, 把迷宮內的鐵粒吸著並沿著迷宮的路線引領到任務咭指示的位置。亦可隨意利用磁鐵筆把鐵粒運至不同的位置。


Magnet maze (hills)

  • Each includes a wooden board with hills outlines, a magnet pen and six task cards.
  • According to the task cards, child uses a magnet pen to transport the iron pellets to the designated location.
  • The maze can train children's visual tracking, hand-eye-brain coordination, fine motor skills and good pencil grasp; also fosters attention and patience. 
  • The wooden board is covered by a transparent durable plastic plate and a niche for storing the magnet pen. Convenient and durable.