跳飛機跳房子地墊 瀏覽完整圖片


先把豆袋拋往跳飛機地墊上某位置, 然後以單腳或雙腳逐格跳往豆袋或指定位置並拾回豆袋, 促進跳躍和平衡能力, 也訓練視覺和拋擲能力。


Hopscotch mat

  • Through jumping, bending, pick-up movements, can enhance the function of the limbs and joints, flexibility and coordination of the body .
  • Promote hand, feet and eye co-ordination. 
  • If two or more players play together, through playing games and competitions,  social skills are developed.
  • Material: Surface: nylon ; Bottom: Latex 
  • Dimension:  198 X 66 cm