數蛋遊戲盒 瀏覽完整圖片


像真度高的雞蛋和蛋盒能吸引兒童的注意和學習興趣。透過數蛋遊戲, 學習1-10的數量。蛋和蛋盒都以優質木材製造, 具磁力。



Counting eggs

  • The set is made to look as a nice wooden egg box, with 10 unbreakable eggs. The box can be used standing up or flat, either way the eggs will not fall out.
  • Due to the strong magnet in the box, the whole box with eggs can also be placed on a magnetic board, so all children can see the material well. 
  • The box is supplied with a sliding lid covered with a whiteboard surface. 
  • Stimulate interest in counting through operating.